

Russian President Vladimir Putin hits Africa Again!


"Africa will never be independent, Africans believe in Europeans, Americans, and Chinese more than themselves. They don't trust themselves at all, African technocrats/Engineers aren't given the platform to practice what they studied instead they hire Chinese to construct roads for themselves.

A white man will commit a crime in Africa but no action will be taken because the African authorities view us as Demi gods, far from the truth. A black man can be abducted in Europe get harassed and even be killed but no African authority can even question. Africans present themselves as weak people with no hope especially when dealing with Europeans and Americans.

They are their own enemies. They hate each other and this gives their colonial masters the opportunity to continue exploring their resources. As far as I know Africa is more of God's chosen continent, its a blessed continent and its time for Africans to Realise they are in a place where Americans, Europeans and Chinese are jealous of and wish it should be them there...You can't compare African weather with any other weather...African soil can feed the whole of Europe, America and Asia but their problem is just one, "THEIR LEADERS". As far as I am concern their best president ever was Gaddafi".

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